Search Google and extract results into CSV

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No-code Google results scraping guide

Scrape Google Search Results

I created this scraping tool because I was tired of writing and deploying Python scripts whenever I wanted to scrape some Google results. I couldn't care less about how Google search works, nor did I have time to lose on deploying code. That's why I created this no-code tool, so anyone can use it and scrape Google from their browser.

This Google web scraper does not require installation or setup; it works straight from the form above. You can export every SERP list into CSV. Columns in the file are Title, Link, Snippet, and Domain.

Google Scraper is an ideal tool for:

  • Data Mining
  • Lead Generation
  • Historical Research
  • Mention Tracking
  • Reputation Monitoring
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Press Clipping
  • Analysis

Every query will return a maximum of 100 rows or 10 pages of results. If you need more results, you can apply query modifiers and split 1 query into multiple queries with a date range or similar.

Niched AI Google scraper accepts all operators which ordinary Google search takes. The most important features are listed below:

  • Boolean operators. You can write a query using boolean operators with any amount of complexity.
  • Modifiers. You can apply search modifiers like date range, site search, URL, or title search.
  • Export. You can export this data into CSV or Google Sheets. When using Google Sheets, new rows could be appended to the existing content; that way, you can merge multiple queries.

Many Google search operators are unknown to most users; not using them can significantly affect your SERP output quality.

Complete list of Google search operators

Below is the list of most used and needed Google search operators. In many cases Google will return different results if you put same operators at different positions. You can play with them inside Google.

Search operator What is it doing Example
" " Search for exact match of a word or phrase "Elon Musk"
AND Boolean AND (&&) search. "Elon Musk" AND Tesla
OR Boolean OR (|) search. Elon OR Tesla
( ) Group multiple searches. (Elon OR Tesla) AND batteries
filetype: Search for specific filetypes. tesla filetype:pdf
inurl: Search for pages with a specified word in the URL/slug. inurl:tesla
intitle: Search for pages with a specified word in the title. intitle:tesla
before: Search for results published before this date. tesla before:2023-10-25
after: Search for results published after this date. tesla after:2023-10-25
site: Search for results from the specified site. battery
- Search for results that don't mention word provided. battery -varta

Position of Google search operators is of great importance when you have a complex query. Always put operators at the end of a boolean query.

Google Search examples with search operators

Example 1 - Event tracking in history Doing historical research of election process in Slovenia. Searching for any type of election like general, national, parliamentary, gubernatorial or presidential. Withing the specified date range using operators after and before. PDF results are not needed, so they are excluded with -filetype:pdf.

Slovenia AND (Election AND (General OR National OR Parliamentary OR Gubernatorial OR Presidential OR Senate OR "National Assembly")) after:2018-01-01 before:2023-08-01 intitle:Slovenia -filetype:pdf

Example 2 - Lead Generation You need list of all sites that are built with WordPress. All WordPress sites have wp-content folder, you can search for that. This can be expanded to search for a particular plugin or theme, also based on the path.

"Index of" inurl:wp-content

Example 3 - Press Clipping Find direct mentions from last week of a brand Rivian.

"Rivian" AND (EV OR "electric car" OR charging OR electric) after:2023-10-22 before:2023-10:29

Author: Ivan Radunovic


Frequently asked questions

Why is estimate showing one number but number of results is smaller?

Google result estimates are just estimates. They are based on the highest number of possible results for any subset of the current query. Very often it happens that from page to page estimate changes.

Why do I get maximum of 100 rows in the query result?

That's a limit enforced by Google. It only provides first 10 pages of results. You can go over this limit if you apply operators (like date operators) on the specific query. So if you need results for a certain entity/event you can split query in weekly chunks and export results for each week.

Can I get a relevance factor for each result?

Google counts relevance factor based on each query. Results at the top of the first page are most relevant, and as you go down the result list relevance goes down. You can infer relevance based on the position of the result in the entire set. If you split results into daily, weekly or monthly chunks relevance is calculated for each chunk separately.